Tiffany Blackwell Ministries is a public charity (501c3) that generates funds through public fundraising, as required by law. TBM operates around the globe, running and overseeing entities, organizations, businesses, chartered & accredited universities, churches, fellowships, paraministries, counseling and deliverance facilities, leaders in various fields, and other enterprises & people whose main goals are to help, serve, love, and equip people with spiritual, financial, or relational knowledge. Consider joining the EMERGENCE STREAM. Get an umbrella of spiritual protection over YOU & what the LORD has birthed in you! Personal mentoring in various fields is available upon request. #manifestingdreams #manifesting #manifestnow


Saved at age 4, Jesus has been my one desire. When I was 3, He told me I was a prophet and would be a “door keeper” in the House of my God, all my days, serving others. My second desire was to be a mother of many. At 19, the fertility clinic said I was sterile. No surgery would help… Ha! After the 3 rd child they took sterile off my chart! Not only was I sterile, but my husband’s sperm count was less than 1%! If God promises you babies, you will have them!!!

I was a homeschooling homemaker, birthed 7 children over 20 years, the last one is with Jesus, ran a daycare, miraculously healed (medically documented!!) from Rheumatoid Arthritis (due to bitterness/unforgiveness, I felt God healed me when I forgave…a syringe pulled the bitterness from my bones! God changed my DNA! I no longer carry the genetic markers for the disease!), weighed more than 225 lbs, survived domestic violence, divorce, death of a child. Yet, through
it all God has been the one remaining constant, stabilizing, healing factor. From a small child, the enemy tried to wipe the smile (joy) off my face; he did not

I have served in varied positions since age 9—teacher to adults and children, choir member, back-up singer, musician, worshipper, prophet (CCF), intercessor, evangelist (EE ministries), door keeper, Awana’s ministry, children’s choir and dramas. When my baby died, if God hadn’t intervened, I would have killed myself. A close friend took me to Redemption’s Prayer Ministry called Invasion in Greenville, SC, where I served from May 2011 until Feb 2015 as an intercessor and altar worker (minus a 5 month break) and the Oasis mentoring program for women pastors. I joined Redemption in 2011 and began serving in the Children’s ministry in 2012 where I was on staff until August of 2017, was credentialed through RMFI (Redemption Ministerial Fellowship International) in 2012, lead a weekly Redemption lifegroup, and graduated from Redemption’s Leading Ladies’ program.

The Lord blessed me with a successful cleaning business, which He Himself urged me to start in Sept 2012 with my last $25 and change. I was almost out of food and would have been homeless in 30 days. God gets all the glory! He’s been better to me than I deserve! Grace! Mercy!! Faith and Miracles! Deliverance! Yes! In 2015 I started the Prophetic Pools Prayer House in Greenville, SC which is now located in Brookhaven, Mississippi also known as Eagles Landing Church. In 2018 I started Tiffany’s Apostolic School of the Prophetic, which now has transitioned into Emergence University, a fully chartered 2 year University, offering one and two year programs. These courses train and equip believers all over the world. We have 30+ staff members who assist in the online school, deliverance, and counseling sessions. Our students are located in the USA, Canada, England, Africa, Australia, and other countries. I also enjoy a busy itinerant ministry.



  1. Ooooooh my God. I know my Father God is up to something for me today. As I write to you. I don’t even know would I got here pls contact me I need your help.

    I love God but m full of bitterness and Anger that nothing is moving with me only thing I have is God’s love that keeps me going. I believe this Emergency University is for me.

    God bless you.

    • I am so impressed from your testimony. You are such a blessed child of God. I love your teaching and recieving blessings. I am Pastor Arman Gill from Pakistan. Please teach our Church leaders. We want to equip our believers. You can teach online .

  2. Good morning Tiffany, I am grateful to have the opportunity to watch you on Facebook Live. What a powerful tool we have.
    I am gonna jump right in. Thank you for having courage to share the love of Jesus like you do We all need encouragement at times . I love that you are from Tenn. I am from Memphis. I live in Oregon for now but who knows maybe one Day I will find my way back to the south. I look forward to the daily word with your broadcast . Your sister in Christ .

  3. Dear Apostel Tiffany, my name is Loraine from South Africa I come out if house of 14 children. A sinner I am that I confess in prayer. I am the youngest of my sisters. I was the only child born in hospital, people pushed my mother out of train. My mother who now passes away lost a lot of blood. My eldest sister had the honour to give me my names. I was the only child who was not breast feed. There are many occasions where I should have been dead. So 2017 on the 19 nov I woke up got numbers and wrote it down. 6,9,12,15,18,20 , 21As usual on my way to work I workship in my car. On that day 20 nov 2017 with a gun to my head I lost my car. Just to find it that same night @ 9. No tracking dives or insurance on my car. Now I went and told people and also testfied in church what God has done in my life. But I got told by people dont draw negative things. For me it was a testimony I went for deliverance but that was cut short. I use to pray for my enemies and people at the office. And God just intervented and open doors for them blessing them all. So much I worked so hard proofing myself to companies sharing knowledge just to being replaced as they went behind my back and interviewed a new team leader I knew nothing of my position been advertise. I was hard broken. Kept on praying for God to bless my enemies and forgiving them. And trust me God is blessing them. I am without a job been so loyal to all the companies. Yet it was not good enough. Prov 22. I am broken can do not understand people of this world. I had a dream written in white Imarag. I had dreams where the enemy would attach me. I was paralyzed could not move could not the get the word of Jesus out of my mouth. Perfect I am not because to God I can not lie. If I got a word of relevance I would share it with my sisters. My son use druggs have a temper , so I told my son I am unfit to deal with you I have given you to God. I was told I am not worthy of being a mother in such horrible words. i prayed for forgiveness en blessend my son. At this stage the spirit of condemnation and confusion is destroying my life. I really need a delivarnce pray for me form condemnation that God will bless me and my house Breakthrough. And that I will get a job to support my Family and been cute lose from debit. Please. thank you
    Apostle Blackwell

    • Awe, thank you for contacting us. You are persevering! Jesus has some amazing purposes for you! Blessings and much love to you!

  4. Found you through my Mother-in-love on Facebook… haven’t heard the word of God preached like this in a long time. Like cool water on a scorched day. Thank you.

  5. I feel so blessed to hear your words!
    I have a question. Does or did God have or has a wife? Her name starts with an A, but cant rember the rest of it. Thank you for everything you are doing. Many blessings to you.

  6. So blessed by your worship music, encouragement & prayer. Please keep Kim K. in prayer, she deals with Sickle Cell Anemia & her body is swollen all over. She has gained a lot of weight because of the medicine. Thank you

  7. Dear Tiffany,
    My wife, Debbie and I saw you for the first time just last night with a friend of ours, Ryan Johnson. The live stream was powerful with the testimonies and encouragement. We look forward to getting more acquainted with the God empowered ministry you have.
    We believe that our dreams are significant and record them regularly. The past few weeks I haven’t been remembering any. They usually have a powerful message of encouragement not only for me, but sometimes specific people and they usually involve encouragement in the midst of trials and uncertain times.
    Last night was the first dream remembered for some time, as I mentioned.
    You were helping a man who could not help himself, it was in a most humble way. You were trimming his toenails and my perspective was through his eyes. I realized later this morning that this was the perspective of Jesus. Either you have served someone in this way in the past or possibly sometime in the future, it will be as if you did it to Jesus and it rises to Him as a memorial for all eternity.
    Thank you for serving the body of Christ.

  8. Tiffany,
    I am writing for prayers. I am a disabled former minister of 30 years, with severe heart-related issues. Having worked all over the nation in ministry, including with a mutual friend Pastor Dave Fogdarud and The Overflowing Cup in Beloit WI in the early 90s. For the past 13 years, I have taken care of my mother who had Alzheimer’s and was a double foot amputee. The rest of the family abandoned her. Sadly she passed on June 21st this year, after 2 months of being on a ventilator. Now I am being evicted, as my mother had a reverse mortgage on the house.

    Friends have set up fundraisers to raise the funds for a retired ambulance I recently put a down payment on and will have it converted into a tiny home. The fundraisers raised enough for the down payment but have slowed and stopped. I am asking if you can pray blessings upon this fundraiser. The stress of trying to close out her house, and get a livable situation for me has had some severe adverse effects, including nearly taking my life in July. Any and all prayer support would be greatly appreciated

    • Bruce, how are you now? You are one who perseveres! Love and blessings in Jesus! May the Lord hold you lovingly in His arms every hour of every day.


  10. I have been watching your videos with my husband Larry for 4 yrs. Larry graduated from this life and went to be with Jesus on July 30th this year. But I have started my life as a bride of Christ and been blessed over and over by His glorious grace over my life.
    I have also been able to start classes with Emergence University and go to Bible Study weekly. I am so overwhelmed by the Lord’s love and faithfulness that I have felt like I am in a total cloud…I am numb some days with all that He is teaching me. I feel like I have been catapulted about 10 years in a matter of a week. Wow! That’s all I can say!

  11. Tiffany you are so so precious to your Abba “Daddy” God.
    You are a many faceted beautiful diamond 💎 in your Fathers hand and his love shines over you and for you sooo much it causes His Diamond Girl to shine into many spheres of gifting like Johnny on the spot He knows you ebb and flow with Him.

    Love and kindness and abundance
    Thank you for being you girl. You are Awesome!

  12. Tiffany, Is A Very Special Gem Of GOD. I Watched Her Mature Spiritual. She Is A Very Powerful Servant For The Most High GOD Equipping Lot Of GOD People For The End Time. She Demonstrate The True Love Of GOD. ” Sunshine” Soar Don’t Look Back Take GOD Children Out Of The Wilderness

  13. I am a retired minister but I never stop loving Jesus. I try hard to stay close to God and enjoy any faith-filled child of God. I want more of Jesus as that is usually all I have. I am disabled but I try to take care of my mom, and my marriage is in trouble but it does not matter as I know the way maker.

  14. I heard u on Autumn Towe Live on Facebook .
    Please pray I am healed of autoimmune disease.also , God would open doors of ministry for me . I have a counseling ministry and I sing gospel .
    I don’t have children but have a heart for Orphans.

    Do u have a course on dreams ? I know you said Pansy on her program ,


    • Hi Jennifer! So good to hear from you! We’re still praying for you! How are you? Praying the Lord helps you attain the motherhood he’s placed in your heart, whether your own or adoption or serving among children in some capacity. We have the first level 1 course that starts the process related to Dream Interpretation.

    • Shalom’

      So, I’m pastor michael.ahuka, from.democaric republic of Congo , need to aply friendhip and partnership , it will.bless me.much

  15. Hello. Afternoon blessings. How does the school. deliverance and counseling sessions work please. Thank you.

    • Hi Michelle, the person doing our emails lapsed. My apologies! Please sign up on the website. Our courses are free if you opt to receive a scholarship from our covenant partners. I look forward to hearing from you. Again, our apologies for such a delay in response. Lovems you much!

  16. Blessings upon you Great lady of God welcome from multan Pakistan I am pastor Asif Masih from multan Pakistan have you vision to do ministry work with us in Pakistan.
    More Grace and blessings.
    Humbly Regards.

  17. Blessings upon you Great lady of God and welcome from multan Pakistan I am pastor Asif Masih from multan Pakistan have you vision to do ministry work with us in Pakistan. We are living here as a minority. Pakistan I a muslim county.
    Humbly Regards.

  18. Hey Tiffany!
    This is Ching, from Greenville.
    I just wanted to tell you how happy I am for you and all your godly blessings.
    Are you still in Greenville?

  19. Dear Mam in Christ
    Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ
    Here I’m humbly request you to give me a chance to work with your organization mam
    Thanks sir

  20. God bless you. It is great blessing to read about yourself. Kindly pray for us please. This is Boota Mash CEO of Joy For You Foundation and CEO of Adrial Sport from sialkot Pakistan. We are looking for order to manufacture all kind of sports goods, sports & active wear. We use our buisness profits to run our ministry projects. Kindly help us to get orders please.

  21. God bless you more sister i am impressed by your struggle nd faith in jesus . i love jesus have faith in jesus that HE is risen and mirracles are happend today in the name of jesus .

  22. Grace and peace be to you .in the name of Jesus Christ
    Having followed your activities as far as the service in,I felt an urge in my heart to request you to include us   in your programs
    I had been Praying that God to connect us with a Ministry  like yours, the  ministry to reach out  God’s  Children over the nations. I Love our  God and  He is our  true love and He will always be first in our  life’s. I therefore request  You  that you with your tight program remember us even if it can   come and have a conference in our ChurchesI am servant Celestine Kangogo

  23. 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 Sister first of all I am very grateful to you
    With you zoom meeting First of all I want to talk to you online. This is a great honor for me.
    I am Pastor Hanif Gill and founder of Hearing God’s Voice Ministry from Pakistan
    our ministry’s main motive is to spread the voice of God.
    But Our languages and countries are different, but we are one in Christ
    Talk on Instagram Messenger or zoom Sister, tell us the time to talk. We want to talk to you
    And how is that possible? My WhatsApp number +92 3136515926 𝐖𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧

  24. My dear friend can you preach the words of God through video call in Pakistan in our Sunday meeting.

  25. I saw you on TikTok and you touched my heart. Our trailer burned two years ago and me and my wife lost everything. I’ve been struggling and don’t see an end in sight. I honestly feel like I have a demon attached to me because NOTHING goes right for me and I don’t know what to do. This is why I am writing you for advice. Thank you for anything you can do.

    • Hi Shawn, I’m so sorry for the issues you’ve both experienced. Let me encourage you to keep standing. To be fought so hard by the enemy lets me know that you both have a great kingdom purpose. Don’t give up! We are praying for you!!!!

  26. Tiffany, the a Lord lead me to your site! What an amazing journey. We serve a mighty great God. I was married for 25 years and gone through verbal and emotional abuse but thought I was in control. Now that I’m divorced and have forgiveness in my heart and soul but it was a journey for me. Thank you for sharing your story! Let forgiveness set us free. Praise be to God and May God receive the glory!

  27. HI, how are you doing. I’m EVASON 27 Years from Kenya Africa born and raised in a Muslim, in Early 2017 after several online teachings my parents decided to reform from Muslim to Christianity and due to that the Muslim Religion were unhappy on the decision that my parents made, we were attacked and my parents were killed, since I was the only one who can look after the 8 kids I had to inherit the orphanage so as the kids could not go there streets, since they have no any relative or parents that they know, I have been using the resources that my parents left until I’m bankrupt right now. Urging everyone willing to support the orphan to work with us so that to shape the future of an orphan and help many others in the community. They need the basic needs like a home, where they stay permanently, they need food,they need ,uniforms,books,clothing ,health and others. When this orphans becomes sick as most of them are prone to sickness, the government health facility is far from where they stay and thus needs to have a health facility in the orphanage.I am kindly hereby requesting you to consider to assist this orphans and add them to your grant list as i am at risk of closing it down since my parents who were my main supporter had died. And also request for affiliation so that God`s message can reach the unreached hear in my community and my neighbors with God`s word.
    I kindly invite you to come to Kenya any time you may find convenient to you and come and see us.
    Thank you, i hope to seeing a reply from you. may God bless you.

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